Monday, March 6, 2023

Yearbook Cover Contest

Hola Parents and Guardians

Dalhousie is very excited to announce the launch of this year’s yearbook cover design contest. All Dalhousie students are invited to create their own drawing to be entered for a chance to be the cover of our yearbook

This year the theme is Learning at Dalhousie. Your child's picture can reflect how they view themselves as a bilingual student, learning Spanish and English, benefits of learning and studying Spanish or what their future could hold with their bilingual abilities. 

Please use letter sized white paper (8.5 X 11) to draw and colour your picture.

The picture needs to include our school’s name (Dalhousie), it can also include our school motto -Take care of yourself, Take care of each other, Take care of our school  - Cuida de ti mismo, cuidense unos a otros, cuida de tu escuela.  

On the back of your paper, please ensure that the student's name, teacher and grade are included.   Any questions can be directed to your child's teacher. Also, your child's teacher can support him/her to use correct Spanish grammar and spelling.   The submission deadline is March 17, 2023.   It can be submitted to your child’s teacher.  Thank you for supporting your child in their creativity and imagination.

We will be announcing the winner of the contest by March 24, 2023.

Friday, June 16th

 A reminder to students who participated in the home reading club, all books need to be returned to the school ASAP! I will follow up with e...